Archive for December, 2011

December 7, 2011

Comfort Food

Have you ever had a week when both wonderful and miserable life events were crammed into the same few days? I don’t mean anything Earth-shatteringly tragic, but enough to keep you up at night and feel stressed despite the fact that some great news has just hit.  I have, and last week was in fact one of those weeks.

In times of stress, I, like most people I know, gravitate toward comfort food.  I might find a plate in front of me like this one:

Fried green tomatoes, corn bread, and mac and cheese.  At least the nutrition-minded angel on my shoulder kept the devil in check by limiting my intake to two tomato slices, half the macaroni, and one piece of cornbread. And Mike’s pickle chip.

Tonight, to round out what I believe is the end of my comfort-binge I made

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